Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Evaluation of Concept Poster

I finished my poster a while ago due to other things in the course needing to be done and me being generally happy with it. Now I look back at it, I can see that the shading on the horizon can be done a bit better as the blending between the actual tone with the grass looks pretty blocky and not blended.

I believe the clouds could of been drawn instead of using cloud brushes, although with my skills it wouldn't look exactly like clouds but it would be my word instead of someone else's tools.

I also didn't put enough detail into the wall, it's just block colours and no shading for each of the rocks. The lines separating the rocks don't really follow the direction of the wall, the lines go into the floor where as the wall reaches the guard tower.

The good points of the poster are the characters. The main character turned out how I wanted him and it also matches the description of him in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms book.

Another good point is the shadows of the characters, the shadows on the grass are slightly distorted where they are either covered or coving the blades of grass. The shadows are smooth when they are on the rocks so I had to rotate between distorted and smooth, which I believe I've done quite well.

Final Concept Poster

This was the first draft of my poster.

Here is the second draft of my final poster.